Just What Is TRIA Coverage?
March 24, 2025 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA Under federal law, insurers must offer Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) coverage for commercial property & liability policies; however, there is a difference between TRIA and Terrorism coverage. TRIA and standard Terrorism Coverage both…
The Changing Landscape of Rental Car Reimbursement in Auto Claims
February 24, 2025 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA As insurance carriers adjust their handling of rental car reimbursement claims, Massachusetts agents encounter new challenges when assisting clients involved in auto accidents. Traditionally, claimants who were not at fault could file vehicle damage…
Understanding Homeowners Coverage for Fuel Oil Spills
January 27, 2025 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA The Act Preventing Oil Spill Pollution” commonly referred to as the 2010 Homeowner Oil Heating System Upgrade and Insurance Law (Chapter 453 of the Acts of 2008), was enacted to address environmental and financial…
What Is A WISP? And Why Does It Impact An Agency & Their Insureds?
December 16, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA The adoption of a WISP is not only a regulatory requirement but also a best practice for safeguarding sensitive information in today’s digital landscape. For insurance agencies, it reinforces their commitment to protecting client…
Cancellation and/or Non-Renewal of HO, DP, MAP and BAP in Massachusetts
November 18, 2024 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Consultant, Technical Affairs, MAIA Massachusetts has laws regarding the legal/proper way of non-renewing or canceling voluntary homeowners, dwelling fire, personal auto, and commercial auto. These laws have not changed since the beginning of my insurance career in September 1975.…
The Evolution of Cyber Insurance
October 29, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA The earliest computer viruses date back over 40 years. Insurers developed cyber clauses to be added to existing policies because the precise wording in existing policies was often not developed with modern online threats…
Just What Is Surface Water?
September 25, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA Though there are many contributing factors to flooding, rainfall is certainly a primary factor. When rain falls, some is captured by soil and vegetation, and the remainder flows onward. Many are aware of flooding…
Revised MAIP Eligibility…the Good, the Bad and…You Know!
August 19, 2024 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Consultant, Technical Affairs, MAIA Just when you think you know what you’re talking about, someone changes something, and then you’re back to “say what?” What vehicles are eligible for MAIP? Autos eligible for MAP In May of this year,…
More Lender/Servicer Problems – When Will It End!
July 29, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA Well, they are at it again! We are seeing an uptick in Lender/Servicer issues affecting Insureds. Whether the loan owner or a separate mortgage servicer manages your Insured’s loan, they may be susceptible to…
LDW/CDW vs Hired Car Coverage on a BAP
June 24, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA In theory, Hired Car Liability, Symbol 8, and Hired Car Physical Damage should do the trick; however, typically, the rental contract makes the Insured responsible for things beyond what the Insurance will pay, making…
Trusts & the HO Policy
May 20, 2024 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Consultant, Technical Affairs, MAIA An agent emailed saying his client had put their personal assets, including their home, into a trust, and the lawyer is requiring the HO 05 43 Residence Held in Trust endorsement to be added to…
Loss Assessment
April 23, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA Which coverage does a unit owner need to purchase to cover an Association deductible – building Coverage A or loss assessment coverage? Let’s start with Loss Assessment coverage. There are three requirements to trigger…
Does a Massachusetts Auto Policy Protect You When Your Injuries Are Caused By Someone Else’s Carelessness?
March 25, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA No one ever thinks they will be involved in a car accident. Hopefully, your Insured’s plan for it with adequate liability limits. But they can’t control another driver’s behavior or whether they have insurance…
Another Ridiculous COI Request…Involving the HO Policy, No Less!
February 12, 2024 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Consultant, Technical Affairs, MAIA I received an email from an agent regarding a client’s leased land and COI request. The insured owns a camp on leased land owned by the State of NH. The insured has liability extended to…
Snow Removal Issues
January 29, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA Plowing Snow as a side gig and some things to think about when Insureds consider this business venture… MASS. PERSONAL AUTO POLICY A snowplow or other detachable equipment does not automatically disqualify a risk from a Personal Auto Policy, but…
The MAP: Temporary Substitutes and Use of Other Autos
November 17, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA I always enjoy receiving questions from our agents. I especially like them if I can remotely answer them! Here is one of them: MAP And A Temporary Substitute…Or Not I work mainly in…
BAP Pollution Claim – Covered or Not?
September 25, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA Convention is getting closer…November 2-5 at the Westin Boston Seaport, Boston, MA. As usual, there is a myriad of seminars and things to do! My Friday and Saturday classes are one-hour seminars based…
In Auto Insurance – When Does Insurance Start?
August 22, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA Over the last few months, there have been a few email issues about when auto insurance becomes effective and what happens when the insured doesn’t get the plate “in a timely fashion.” One…
Every Business Has an Auto Exposure, Whether They Own an Auto or Not
June 20, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA Happy …rainy July – a great month if one is a duck! Yet another agent email question seemed like a good tech talk, so here goes. Agent Question: We insure a body shop,…
“Auto Equipment” and the AIB MAP and ISO HO
June 20, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA One of your member benefits is asking questions of MAIA staff. We love answering questions, but sometimes we can provide “an answer” as there might not be “the answer.” The following is a…
The BAP and a Personal Trailer
May 22, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA I have a question… We have a client who owns a pickup in his name, but it’s on his commercial auto policy due to weight/signage. He is buying a camper trailer, and the…
Host Liquor Coverage and the ISO Homeowners Policy
April 19, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA An agent recently asked: We have been questioning if MPIUA has an exclusion for Host Liquor Liability. Someone has brought it to our attention, but we have read the policy form, and we…
TURO, UBER, LYFT, DOORDASH, GRUBHUB, and the Business Auto Policy?
March 22, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA We have had multiple Tech Talks in the past regarding these business activities and the personal Massachusetts Auto Policy. These are business activities that are NOT designed to be covered under the Massachusetts…
How important is an application question?
February 22, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA I receive many insurance emails daily from various business, insurance, and legal organizations and publications. The other day, I read an article about “the importance of underwriting questions in cyber apps.” And then,…
Tech Talk: I’m Protected by the Homestead Act – I Don’t NEED Liability Insurance…
Tech Talk: I’m Protected by the Homestead Act – I Don’t NEED Liability Insurance… By Irene L. Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA That is one of the most FOOLISH statements that I have ever heard, and it is SO UNTRUE! Don’t get me wrong. I think protecting…
Tech Talk: Your client wants to know! A taste of the upcoming October convention …
Tech Talk: Your client wants to know! A taste of the upcoming October convention … By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, CPIW, LIA VP Technical Affairs, MAIA MAIA’s annual convention …the BIG EVENT … is just a few short weeks away. So, to whet your appetite and to entice you to attend,…
Tech Talk: Another Interesting Homeowner Insurance Question Irene Morrill CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA One of your member benefits is getting your questions answered by MAIA staff. My “specialty” is insurance-related questions. One agent emailed me …. Is it building or content? Is it a chicken or a…
I’m renting an auto on vacation out of the country…does my MAP and PUP cover me?
January 18, 2023 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Vice President of Technical Affairs, MAIA I’ve had two emails in the last few weeks about car rentals out of the country, so big vacation weeks are coming up. Let’s take a look at what coverage there might or…
Tech Talk: Another Interesting Homeowner Insurance Question
Tech Talk: Another Interesting Homeowner Insurance Question Irene Morrill CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA One of your member benefits is getting your questions answered by MAIA staff. My “specialty” is insurance-related questions. One agent emailed me …. Is it building or content? Is it a chicken or a…
Tech Talk: Your Policy Coverage Could Be Limited Because of This…
Did You Know That How the Insured’s Name on the Commercial Policy Declaration’s Page is Written Can Limit Policy Coverage – a Recent MA Court Case Said So! by Irene L. Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, CPIW, LIA VP Technical Affairs, MAIA It’s scary when understanding policy language isn’t enough. The court case involved…
Tech Talk: Yet Another Auto Rental Question
Tech Talk: Yet Another Auto Rental Question by Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA Happy almost summer! Part of my job is answering questions and I know I discuss the following issue in class, but I haven’t addressed it specifically in a Tech Talk. An agent asked…
Tech Talk: Is Your Client “Adequately Insured” in Today’s Inflationary World?
Tech Talk: Is Your Client “Adequately Insured” in Today’s Inflationary World? Irene Morrill CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA I don’t mean to be an alarmist, but in today’s inflationary supply chain problem economy we really need to address current rebuild property values with our clients. The downside of subscribing…
Tech Talk: Property Policies and Fuel Oil Escape Losses
Tech Talk: Property Policies and Fuel Oil Escape Losses Irene L. Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, MLIS, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA Based on the recent fuel oil escape catastrophe at a personal residence located in Wareham, MA the “lack of coverage issue” is rearing its ugly head again. This particular fuel…
Tech Talk: The MAP and Camper Trailers …Coverage or Not?
Tech Talk: The MAP and Camper Trailers …Coverage or Not? Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA It’s interesting to me how interpretations can change even though policy language hasn’t. I have recently received a few email questions regarding camper trailers and the MAP. The following is just…
Tech Talk: Insuring a Home That is in Trust
Tech Talk: Insuring a Home That is in Trust Irene L. Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, MLIS, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA Well, we’ve almost made it through another year … Hoorah! It was great seeing many of you at our annual convention – hope to see even more of you next year.…
Tech Talk: Business Auto Classification: When You Disagree with the Carrier
Tech Talk: Business Auto Classification: When You Disagree with the Carrier by Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, MLIS, CRIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA MAIA’s Big Event is just days away! Certainly, hope to see your smiling faces … having missed them last year! Register Now Business Auto Truck Classification This topic appears to…
Tech Talk: Does HO or Personal Auto Cover Someone Doing Errands for the Insured?
Tech Talk: Does HO or Personal Auto Cover Someone Doing Errands for the Insured? September 2021 Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, MLIS, CRIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA Shameless plug! Don’t forget to register for MAIA’s Big Event, October 28-31, taking place live at the Westin Boston Seaport District. I really do look forward…
Tech Talk: Banks and Binders – Can They Really Ask for THAT?
Tech Talk: Banks and Binders – Can They Really Ask for THAT? by Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, MLIS, CRIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA August 23, 2021 I have had a plethora of questions from MA agents about mortgagee companies, banks, and binders and what they want to see. This topic…
Tech Talk: DOC Endorsement vs. Use of Other Auto Endorsement vs. PUP
Tech Talk: DOC Endorsement vs. Use of Other Auto Endorsement vs. PUP What Do I Need and Why? By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW VP Technical Affairs, MAIA I’ve had questions regarding the Drive Other Car (DOC) endorsement, the Use of Other Auto endorsement, and the personal umbrella policy…