MAIP & Ride Share
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of February 2025. Question Could you tell me if MAIP would insure a vehicle that was being used in a peer-to-peer rental service like Turo? And if not covering for the Turo usage, would MAIP write the policy but exclude the…
Purple Heart Sales Tax Exemption
February 10, 2025 Effective February 8, as part of the HERO Act, Purple Heart Medal recipients will be exempt from Massachusetts sales tax on purchases of vehicles if they qualify and have been approved for Disabled Veteran Plates. They can have either Purple Heart Plates or Disabled Veteran Plates, and one of those plates must be…
Board of Appeal Address Change
February 10, 2025 Effective February 8, 2025, the Board of Appeals’ address will change to the following: Division of Insurance Board of Appeal One Federal St., Suite 700 Boston, MA 02110 Mail sent to the old address will be forwarded for one year. All RMV documentation that lists the old address, including letters, the website,…
Out-of-State Accident
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of February 2025. Question I have an Insured whose daughter was involved in an accident in Rhode Island last year. They went to court for it, and the Insured stated that the case was dismissed and they have some paperwork regarding…
Death of Insurance
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of January 2025. Question I need your help clarifying some issues that have come up with customers who have passed away. Is there a time limit on how long it takes a spouse to reregister a vehicle in their name from…
Understanding Homeowners Coverage for Fuel Oil Spills
January 27, 2025 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA The Act Preventing Oil Spill Pollution” commonly referred to as the 2010 Homeowner Oil Heating System Upgrade and Insurance Law (Chapter 453 of the Acts of 2008), was enacted to address environmental and financial…
“Registration Cancelled” Field Change
January 17, 2025 Effective January 16, 2025, the “Registration Cancelled” field in the RMV eServices Insurance Portal will no longer be displayed from the vehicle screen. Instead, the “Registration Cancelled” date can be retrieved from the Portal as follows: Go to the Vehicle Information screen, View the Registration tab, then the Plates sub-tab, and Under the Cease…
Flood: First Floor Height
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of October 2024. Question Did FEMA change the rules to determine the number of floors? In the past, if the house had a basement, the basement was considered the 1st floor. We called the insurance company because it seemed the number…
MPIUA: 2 NEW RULES Effective 2/1/25
The Massachusetts Property Insurance Underwriting Association (MPIUA) is implementing two new rules—Flood Insurance Requirement and Amount of Insurance Requirement—applicable to both Homeowners and Dwelling Policy Programs. These changes will take effect for new business policies issued on or after February 1, 2025, and for subsequent renewals of these policies. Flood Insurance Requirement: The MPIUA will…
Revised Application for Gold Star Family Plates
January 13, 2025 The Application for Gold Star Family Plates (REG113) has been revised to clarify who is eligible for these plates. A Gold Star Family Plate can be issued, without charge, to spouses, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren of members of the United States Armed Forces who died while on active duty with…
Registry Procedures Manual Update!
January 13, 2025 This online “flipbook” manual is a MUST for every agent who writes MA automobile insurance and deals with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles! The Registry Procedures Manual (RPM) allows subscribers to utilize keyword searches to find what they need and is automatically updated regularly throughout the year. Check out what’s new HERE.…
2024 Q3 Quarterly P&C Marketplace Summary
You are being provided this 2024 Q3 Quarterly P&C Marketplace Summary covering the Massachusetts Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance Marketplace as a benefit of your membership with the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA). This report provides up-to-date property and casualty (P&C) data, offering you a “real-time” view of trends in the Massachusetts insurance marketplace.…
Lightning Struck a Tree
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of October 2024. Question Laura, I’m just a little confused. I mostly do auto insurance. I want to make sure that I understand this. I know this is a lightning issue, but what about wind? I guess it’s a big question:…
Named Non-Owner Policy
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of October 2024. Question I have a customer looking to have a person who borrows his car to have their own liability policy. The person doesn’t own a car or a home or apartment (or I would try and obtain an…
NH Temporary Plates Clarification
January 6, 2025 NH approved a new law (HB 1243) that was put into effect 9/01/2024. The new law does not change the process for how Mass residents are getting their plates with the RMV, but change the process for NH DMV eliminating the form RDMV 938 (Vehicle Sold to a Massachusetts Resident Form). Important…
CDL Disqualification Change
January 6, 2025 Effective January 2, drivers who are disqualified from operating commercial vehicles for life may have the ability to retain or restore their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). This is based on a revision to Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 90F Section 9. Read the full update here. Click here for FAQ. Registry Questions? Contact Kathy…
Out of State Titles – New Documents Required
January 6, 2025 Effective January 13, when a customer is unable to produce their current Out of State Title because it is held by a lienholder, they must present the current Out of State Registration Certificate and any one of the supporting documents to accompany a Registration and Title Application (RTA). Read the full update…