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Join the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents!

Why join MAIA?! Exclusive news & insights, advocacy, insurance markets, discounts on education & business tools, and the technical expertise of the MAIA staff, and that is only the beginning of your membership benefits!

Full Membership

For Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agencies & Brokers

Full Member Benefits

  • Exclusive discounts on most educational opportunities, endorsed products, and services.
  • Easy access to the deep knowledge of our technical staff at Ask a MAIA Specialist.
  • Subscription to MAIA's member communications, including our weekly Mass Agent newsletter, to keep you updated on news, events, legislative action, Registry updates, markets, member benefits, and TechTalk and Special Bulletin editions.
  • Your agency location(s) are listed on MAIA's Agent Locator and
  • Agents' E&O and other products to cover your agency through MAIA's Number One Insurance Agency.
  • Market Access to insurance products for your clients (with no volume commitments), also through Number One.
  • Hiring & Staffing Solutions includes a job and resume board, screening, hiring, and onboarding tools.
  • Our experienced and knowledgeable staff provides impeccable service and personal attention.
  • Opportunities to host in-house training seminars (with CE) at your location or provide your staff with personalized tutoring and mentoring services.
  • Automatic membership in our national association, the Big "I" (IIABA)
  • Discounts on Advertising Opportunities in MAIA publications.


Full MAIA Memberships are open to insurance agencies that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Actively engaged in the American Agency System, where all types of insurance are sold through independent agents.
  • Have one or more MA resident licensed agents in the office and have the legal ability to represent more than one insurance company.
  • Operate on a commission basis as independent contractors of insurance companies, maintaining separate offices and doing business as individuals, partnerships, corporations, or other forms of business organizations.
  • Have ownership of agency accounts and policy expirations by contract with insurance companies.

Have questions? Looking to join MAIA or renew your membership?

Contact Lori Kane (508-634-7385), our Member Engagement Manager, today!

To save the data you have filled in, choose Print and save the form as a pdf.

Associate Membership

For other insurance-related agencies, companies, carriers, and vendors

Associate Member Benefits

The Massachusetts Associate of Insurance Agents represents over 1,000 insurance agencies employing over 10,000 insurance professionals. Associate members include insurance companies, vendors for agency-focused products & services, out-of-state wholesalers, consulting companies, and more!

Recognition on our website via our Associate Member Directory, with your contact information, with referrals from our staff

  • Access our weekly Newsletter, which includes the most up-to-date industry news, events, registry updates, technical information, and more!
  • Free member-only webinars, discounts on vetted products and services
  • Ability to post jobs to our job board for free
  • Savings on education classes, advertising & events
  • Discounts and preference in booth space for MAIA’s Annual Big Event...and so much MORE!


  • An insurance company or an employee of an insurance company
  • A vendor offering products & services to independent agents
  • A non-resident independent insurance agent from another state, having no physical office location in Massachusetts.
  • An individual working with or within the American Agency System.
  • A Surplus Lines Carrier is doing business through the American Agency System.

Have questions? Looking to join MAIA as an Associate Member?

Contact Kathleen Murphy (508-634-7378), our Director of Partnerships & Events, today!

To save the data you have filled in, choose Print and save the form as a pdf.