Power of Attorney for Registration and Title Transactions

August 15, 2023 Effective August 21, the RMV has created a new Power of Attorney (POA) form and has standardized the rules for how and when a POA is required whenever a third-party agent (a designated person, partnership, or corporation) is signing any document necessary to process a registration or title transaction on the behalf…

Senior Appointment Scheduling – Revised

August 8, 2023 Customers who are at least 65 years of age or have a disability can call the RMV’s dedicated appointment line at 857-368-8005, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to schedule a license or ID appointment. Senior appointments can be scheduled for most RMV Service Center locations during any available time Monday through Friday…

Portuguese Driver’s Manual

August 8, 2023 A Portuguese version of the July 2023 Passenger (Class D) Driver’s Manual has been printed and will soon be distributed to all RMV Service Centers. It will also soon be available to order on the RMV website. View the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

New Road Test Locations in Braintree and Mattapan

August 8, 2023 Class D Road Tests are now available for all customers at the new Granite Plaza location in Braintree. This location is in addition to the road test services available at the Braintree Service Center on Plain Street. Beginning Monday, August 7, Class D Road Tests will also be available for all customers at…

New Certification Requirement to Access the RMV System

July 31, 2023 Per 940 CMR 37.00, each end user, is required to certify compliance to permit access to the RMV records. Accessing the portal as an end user, on or after July 31, 2023, will serve as certification that you have agreed to the new requirements. When logging into the portal, there is language confirming you and your business accepts the certification,…

Senior Hours and Saturday Hours

July 18, 2023 Customers age 65 and older, and customers with disabilities, can schedule a senior appointment for most RMV Service Center locations during any available time Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. View the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

New Online Learner’s Permit Exam Requirements

July 18, 2023 Effective July 12 at 6 pm, new features will be added to the online Class D and M learner’s permit exam for compliance and safety purposes. These features were previously announced and planned for June 14 but were delayed due to testing issues. View the Exam Requirements here. View the Instructions here. Questions?…

Expanded Service Center Hours and New Road Test Locations – Revised

July 18, 2023 Due to the Work and Family Mobility Act (WFMA), RMV Service Center hours of operation have expanded, and new road test locations have been added. Saturday hours for seven locations have been posted as well. View the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

Attention: EVR Permit Holders

July 18, 2023 If your EVR Permit Holder location has any name, ownership, or address change, you MUST notify the EVR Department and your Service Provider in advance. There are documents that are required for both the Service Provider and the RMV/EVR Department that must be completed for these types of changes. When the EVR…

Revised – Expanded Service Center Hours and New Road Test Locations

July 10, 2023 The Easthampton and Southbridge RMV Service Centers do not have expanded hours; their hours are 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The attached revised training update lists the corrected hours. View the update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

Expanded Service Center Hours and New Road Test Locations

July 5, 2023 Due to the Work and Family Mobility Act (WFMA), RMV Service Center hours of operation are expanding, and new road test locations will be added. Read the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

Foreign Language Document Translation Policy

June 30, 2023 Effective immediately, to ensure the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) lawfully issues all licenses, identification cards, certificates of title, and registrations, the standards described in this training update have been established for accepting documents presented by customers that are not written or printed in English. Read the full update here. Questions? Contact…

Vermont Out-of-State Registration Certification Forms

June 30. 2023 Beginning July 1, 2023, the Vermont DMV will evaluate all out-of-state motor vehicle transactions based on the applicant’s home state’s laws, regulations, and policies, prior to registering and titling a vehicle. Read the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

New July 2023 Driver’s Manual

June 30, 2023 A new July 2023 Driver’s Manual has been printed and will soon be distributed to all RMV Service Centers. It is already available on the RMV website. The new manual has a redesigned purple cover featuring safe driving images and phrases. The manual also features new spiral binding. In addition to English, the Driver’s Manual…

2023 Plate Lottery

June 30, 2023 The 2023 RMV Plate Lottery begins on Friday, June 30, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. Customers can enter the plate lottery online using the myRMV Online Service Center. The lottery is online submission only; there is no paper application available. The deadline to enter the lottery is Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 5 p.m. Read…

External WFMA Call Center

June 28, 2023 The RMV has hired a third-party call center vendor, SaviLinx, LLC, to assist with the anticipated demand related to the Work and Family Mobility Act (WFMA). SaviLinx will be the front-line contact for customers calling the WFMA Hotline: 857-368-WFMA (9362). Read the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or…

WFMA Information and Resources Available Now Online

June 28, 2023 The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) recently announced plans to implement the Work and Family Mobility Act (WFMA), effective July 1. Resources relating to WFMA are now available on the WFMA web page. Translations of these resources into multiple languages will be posted on this page as available. WFMA allows eligible residents in…

The Chicopee RMV Will Remain a Full B2B Location

June 27, 2023 Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) has announced that the Chicopee Service Center will remain a full B2B location. It will not become a limited B2B or offer road tests, as was previously planned. All B2B services and hours will remain as they currently are in Chicopee and all other B2B locations. Road tests that were scheduled for Chicopee…

Chicopee RMV Will Remain a Limited B2B

June 21, 2023 Beginning June 26, the Chicopee RMV will offer limited B2B services, in addition to becoming a Road Test Center. This is a change to the previous plan to cease B2B services in Chicopee. View the full update here.  Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

New Online Learner’s Permit Exam Requirements

On Wednesday, June 14, at 5 pm, new features will be added to the online Class D and M learner’s permit exam for compliance and safety purposes. To take the learner’s permit exam at home, the applicant must have access to a computer with a web camera, and only specific browsers can be used. Review…

Chicopee RMV Changing to Road Tests Only

June 7, 2023 Effective Friday, June 23, 2023, the Chicopee RMV will stop processing registration bundles and will no longer be a B2B Center. For more information, read the full update here and the official letter here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected].

New Plate Mask for Veteran Plates

May 23, 2023 Effective May 22, a new plate mask will be used for Veteran (Flag and No Flag) plates. The new plates will be delivered to service centers soon. The new Veteran plate mask will be: @#@#@ – letter, number, letter, number, letter. Previously issued Veteran plates will remain valid. Read the full update here.…

Redesigned Red Sox Plates

Beginning May 8, a redesigned version of the Red Sox special plate will be available on the RMV website (www.mass.gov/rmv) and can be ordered through RMV Service Centers. The new plate design features a pair of red socks with a blue heart between them. Read the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or…

B2B Requirements

To establish standards for Business-to-Business (B2B) service and operation in the Service Centers, effective May 2, 2023, the requirements described in this training update will apply to all Service Centers offering B2B service and to the use of B2B service by dealerships, insurance companies, fleets, and “runners.” View the updated B2B Requirements here. View the…

Taxi Registration Requirements

Beginning May 1, 2023, the RMV will require and verify that all applicants for a taxi registration either carry the required commercial insurance coverage for a taxi OR be “self-insured” through the process available through the State Treasurer (pursuant to General Laws Chapter 90, § 34D-F). Also, effective May 1, 2023, the RMV will require…

Redesigned Quebec Registrations

In February 2023, Quebec redesigned its Registration Certificates. The most notable change is that certificates are now printed on plain white paper; they were previously printed on green paper. Also, the new certificates only display fields that are relevant (for example, axles, unit number, and vehicle status). Both the new white certificates and old green certificates will…

Non-Resident Short-Term Registration

Effective April 5, a new Non-Resident Short-Term Registration transaction will be available to issue short-term registrations to out-of-state residents purchasing a vehicle from a dealer in Massachusetts. These registrations will be valid for nine days from the transaction date and will allow the customer to take possession of the vehicle and drive it home. Customers will…

Updated Company Auto Insurance Filings – March 2023

MAIA periodically visits the Division of Insurance to collect the latest information about each company’s private passenger automobile insurance rules, rates, and forms filings. Recent changes and updates are presented here.

Seven New Learner’s Permit Exam Languages

Effective March 16, Class D and M Learner’s Permit Exams are available in seven new languages. These exams will be available through the Automated Testing Stations (ATS) in RMV Service Centers (appointment required) or online at Mass.Gov/RMV. Read the full update here.

Change to ID Requirements for Registration

Effective Friday, December 23rd, out-of-country driver’s licenses are no longer acceptable as a form of identification for customers applying for a motor vehicle or trailer registration. The only exception is driver’s licenses from Canada, which are still acceptable. Any transactions submitted on December 22nd or earlier will still be processed with out-of-country licenses as the…

Out-of-State Registrations and Titles with a Massachusetts Address

Effective immediately, the RMV will require additional documentation for OOS registrations and/or OOS titles that contain a Massachusetts address. These transactions can only be processed in RMV Service Centers. The Title Division will review and determine whether the documentation provided is sufficient to register or title the vehicle in Massachusetts. Read the full update here.…

Crash Data System Replacement

Effective February 21, the Crash Data System, including the online Crash Report Request Transaction, has been replaced with a new system. Customers can once again request crash reports online after this was temporarily unavailable during the switchover to the new system. The replacement system will optimize the acceptance, maintenance, and accessibility of Massachusetts crash reports. Read the…

REVISED! Vanity Plate Application

Business entities cannot request vanity plates through the Online Service Center. Therefore, the Request for Vanity Plates will continue as was previously announced. However, it has been revised, and effective February 21, it can ONLY be used by business entities. View the Revised Vanity Plate Application here. Read the full update here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or…

myRMV Homepage Changes

Effective Thursday, February 16, the myRMV homepage will be redesigned, and the layout will be more streamlined. The box for each section will have up to three links. If the section has more than three transactions, a “More” option will display at the end; this will take the customer to a full list of transactions for…

Vanity Plate Application

Effective February 21, vanity plates can only be requested through the Online Service Center on Mass.Gov/RMV. The paper (mail-in) Request for Vanity Plates (document REG104) will be discontinued and removed from the website and Print on Demand. Please recycle/destroy any printed copies you have on that date. Read more. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected]

System Replacement Coming

The Crash Data System, including the online Crash Reports Portal, is being replaced over the next few weeks. The replacement system will optimize the acceptance, maintenance, and accessibility of Massachusetts crash reports for an overall improved customer service experience. During the migration process, the RMV is temporarily pausing the processing and accessing of crash reports and the online…

Emailing the FID Department

Effectively immediately, all FID correspondence should be emailed to the FID direct email box. Please do not fax or send emails to personal email addresses. The FID email is [email protected] – This email box is monitored and will result in a quicker response. Read more here. Questions? Contact Kathy Cormier at 508-634-7353 or via email at [email protected]

7D Medical Forms Completed by Physician Assistants

Effective immediately, physical exams for school pupil transport (7D) license applicants can be conducted by physician assistants in addition to physicians and nurse practitioners. The Medical Form for a School Pupil (7D) Driver Certificate or a School Bus Driver Certificate (VSC109) has been revised to indicate that it can be completed by physician assistants. The revised application has a date…

Updated Forms

The following forms have been updated to reflect the changes regarding foreign license holders receiving a MA registration: +Attached is the revised version of the RTA. Fields D4, D6, and D8 were changed to allow information on licenses, IDs, SSNs, passports, and consular IDs. +Attached is the revised version of the RTA Instruction Guide. Questions? Contact…

Voter Registration Changes

Effective January 1, 2023, the VOTES ACT requires the RMV to remove the “opt-out” for voting from the driver licensing application. Applicants that wish to opt out may contact their town/municipality directly. Information on all eligible applicants will automatically be sent to the Secretary of the Commonwealth (SoC) for voter registration. The option to decline to…