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Question of the Week


Markets This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 24, 2020   QUESTION Do you have any markets for a BOP small business owner?

Business Interruption/Loss of Income

Business Interruption/Loss of Income This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 24, 2020   QUESTION Customer operating a livery service, inquiring if coverage for Business Interruption, or Loss of Income,, is available, due to temporary loss of use for a vehicle, as a result of an auto…

Uber/Lyft Coverage

Uber/Lyft Coverage This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 27, 2020   QUESTION Question is when are or are you not covered when your vehicle is being used by Uber or Lyft?

Personal Information on Surcharge Notice

Personal Information on Surcharge Notice This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 27, 2020   QUESTION I’m wondering if you can help with something or maybe direct me to the right person.  My colleague, manages our systems and everything technical in the office.  His son had an…

At Fault Accident and Commercial Vehicle

At Fault Accident and Commercial Vehicle This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 28, 2020   QUESTION Hi, we are having a discussion in our office, One person thinks if you are driving a company vehicle that is in a inc. and get in a at fault…

Surcharge Appeal – Waiver of Deductible

Surcharge Appeal – Waiver of Deductible This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 28, 2020   QUESTION Good afternoon Kathy and Irene, I have a feeling I already know the answer to this, but it’s been at least a decade since I ran into this scenario. (See…

What is Property Damage

What is Property Damage This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 28, 2020   QUESTION Hello, I have a client who leases a retail space for her convenience store. A vehicle insured with Mapfre collided with her storefront, causing around $3700 in damage to her awning (that’s…

Hired Auto

Hired Auto This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 30, 2020   QUESTION I have a client who has a commercial auto with 2 different carriers. One policy includes non-owned and hired liability. Am I correct that they don’t need to have that on both policies since…

Carrier Filings

Carrier Filings This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 31, 2020   QUESTION Good morning, Here’s a question posed to me:  If the carrier sends their guidelines to the state for approval, is it state law that they have to follow those guidelines?  A certain carrier will…

MAP and Doctor Visit

MAP and Doctor Visit This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 12, 2020   QUESTION Under Mass auto is there a time frame that an injured party must see a Dr. Insured had accident 10 days ago, was told auto wouldn’t unless she sees a Dr.within 14…

2A Commercial Auto

2A Commercial Auto This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 14, 2020   QUESTION I am sorry if this seems like a dumb question but do I need to do a 2A if moving a commercial auto policy from one company to another within our agency?  

Business Auto MA

Business Auto MA This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 15, 2020   QUESTION Many times in talking to clients and they inquire about a driver that is inexperienced or bad driving records when they find out it will effect their rate or they don’t qualify being…

Watercraft Insurance

Watercraft Insurance This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 16, 2020   QUESTION Can you clarify for me whether or not watercraft insurance is required in Massachusetts? I was under the impression it wasn’t? Is there any information you could provide me in regards to Watercraft insurance,…

USDOT for Non-Commercial Vehicle

USDOT for Non-Commercial Vehicle This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 13, 2020   QUESTION I have an insurance agent who drivers an 11,000 pound pickup that is registered in the name of his agency.  This is used to commute back and forth to work and may…

Borrowed Trailer Liability

Borrowed Trailer Liability This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 6, 2020   QUESTION I have a questions regarding liability on a trailer. If I let my neighbor borrow my trailer and my neighbor is found at fault for an accident will their liability coverage on their…

Standard of Fault

Standard of Fault This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 8, 2020   QUESTION Quick question to see if you would  possibly know the answer or have a person for me to contact. Child who is a passenger opens his door hitting a car, does parent get…

MOD Factor MAP

MOD Factor MAP This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 8, 2020   QUESTION Have you heard of any carriers in MA that are applying a mod factor to a MA Auto policy to charge more premium for a client that filed a not at fault accident? …

MA Arbitration

MA Arbitration This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January 9, 2020   QUESTION I have a customer who is thinking about going to arbitration for a totaled car. I’ve never had a customer go through this. Could you explain the process? Thanks