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Tech Talk: Sometimes Endorsements Don‘t Keep Up With the Times … Transportation of Fellow Employees, Students or Others M-0004-S and the MAP

Tech Talk: Sometimes Endorsements Don‘t Keep Up With the Times … Transportation of Fellow Employees, Students or Others M-0004-S and the MAP By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, CPIW  – VP of Technical Affairs, MAIA  

Tech Talk: Binders, Evidences of Insurance or Certificates of Insurance … Who Does What to Whom?

Tech Talk: Binders, Evidences of Insurance or Certificates of Insurance … Who Does What to Whom? By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, CPIW  – VP of Technical Affairs, MAIA  

Tech Talk: ATTENTION!!! Flood Maps Changing in June for Norfolk County and July for Essex and Plymouth Counties A Review of Map Revision, Grandfathering, etc.

Tech Talk: ATTENTION!!! Flood Maps Changing in June for Norfolk County and July for Essex and Plymouth Counties A Review of Map Revision, Grandfathering, etc. By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, CPIW  – VP of Technical Affairs, MAIA  

Tech Talk: Insured Status Under the ISO HO Policy … or Not

Tech Talk: Insured Status Under the ISO HO Policy … or Not By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, CPIW  – VP of Technical Affairs, MAIA  

Tech Talk: Covering Weddings, Graduation Parties, and other Special Events — Is the HO Policy Enough?

Tech Talk: Covering Weddings, Graduation Parties, and other Special Events — Is the HO Policy Enough? By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, CPIW  – VP of Technical Affairs, MAIA  

Just When I Thought I Had Heard Everything … Another Twist to the Car Rental/Loaner Issue

Just When I Thought I Had Heard Everything … Another Twist to the Car Rental/Loaner Issue By Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, LIA, CRIS, CPIW  – VP of Technical Affairs, MAIA