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Loss of Use on a Rental Car

Loss of Use on a Rental Car QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 17, 2019 Need clarification on whether or not a rental car company can chase and insured and/or their insurance carrier for loss of use on a vehicle? I know carriers aren’t paying…

Help Your Clients Hit the Road With the Right RV Coverage

Help Your Clients Hit the Road With the Right RV Coverage It’s camping show season… prime time for people to pick up a bright, shiny new RV. Has your client contacted you to insure their fabulous new purchase yet? Safeco’s RV Program offers:


Garaging QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 17, 2019 MA Auto policy – Looking for feedback on vehicles garaged at college. We (the carrier) expect that garaging should be changed to reflect the vehicle being away at school and will deny a claim if garaging…

New Online Inspection Station Complaint Form

New Online Inspection Station Complaint Form   A new online Inspection Station Complaint Form ( has been created. Customers can use this form to electronically submit a complaint about an inspection station. It can be accessed from both the RMV website ( and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) website ( The online form was…

Automatic Extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Automatic Extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS)   The federal government has advised the RMV that individuals from several countries have had their lawful presence in the United States automatically extended because they were given temporary protected status (TPS). Due to the nature of the extension, a new lawful presence document, such as a new…

Accident with Neighbors Garage

Accident with Neighbors Garage QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 18, 2019 My insured had a car parked in his driveway unregistered/uninsured and was having a company come tow it away for cash.  The driveway was long, and the tow truck needed the car pulled…

Umbrella Quotes and MVRs

Umbrella Quotes and MVRs QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 22, 2019 I know this is an issue we (at least EIG) has gone over a few times with you. In regards to quoting an umbrella we know we cannot provide MVR printouts. To obtain…

Appeal of Surcharge

Appeal of Surcharge QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 24, 2019 We have an insured who was surcharged for an accident and at the time liability was determined I questioned it as I thought 50/50 was appropriate for this situation but the adjuster did not…

Personal Truck with Company Signage

Personal Truck with Company Signage QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 25, 2019 Question: one of our insureds registered there truck in their personal name and wants to put their Company Name LLC on the truck can they do that?  I have read all about…

WCRIBMA Special Bulletin: Updated Information on Residual Market Share

WCRIBMA Special Bulletin: Updated Information on Residual Market Share The MA Workers’ Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau (WCRIBMA) released Special Bulletin 05-19, Updated Information on Residual Market Share. 

MAIA Announces Classes in New Boston Location!

MAIA Announces Classes in New Boston Location! MAIA’ Education Team is delighted to announce that we’ve added a new classroom location in the heart of Boston’s Seaport District to better ­serve our members! Starting in June 2019, MAIA will offer classes at the beautiful new WPI Seaport, a state-of-the-art learning space at 303 Congress Street,…

Plate Returns – Date to Cancel MAP

Plate Returns – Date to Cancel MAP QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 24, 2019 Could you verify in the case where the plate for an auto is  returned, if we should remove the auto on the date of the plate return or the following…

Garaging – Livery Plate

Garaging – Livery Plate QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 09, 2019 I was wondering if you could let me know if our C.A.R. carrier has the right to garage our private livery van in Springfield even if it “sleeps” in Holyoke every night but…

Voluntary Surrender of License

Voluntary Surrender of License QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 08, 2019 I have a client who no longer drives and is just going to let his license expire. I think he should turn it in and get a Mass ID- is there a form/procedure…

Unlicensed Operator

Unlicensed Operator QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 08, 2019 One of our insured’s daughter had a friend drive who caused at huge at fault accident. Unbeknownst to the daughter, the friend does NOT have a license. He was arrested at the scene & the…

Surviving Spouse

Surviving Spouse QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 08, 2019 I have a surviving spouse that is going to be transferring everything to his name with the surviving spouse affidavit.  We have done the RMV-1 along with surviving spouse sheet and we have the death…

Updated Company Auto Insurance Filings – April 2019

Updated Company Auto Insurance Filings – April 2019

Help Home Businesses Weather the Storm

Help Home Businesses Weather the Storm We’ve all seen the severe weather events occurring around the country — inland floods, mudslides, windstorms, fires. These events are becoming more frequent and severe. Unfortunately, many home-based businessowners are finding out the hard way that they aren’t covered for business losses. That’s where you come in.