Death of Insured – Follow-Up
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of February 2025. Question With regard to the “death of insured” QOW 2/5/25, here is something I wanted to share with you. This is an email I sent to the carrier with regard to a client and fire claim that just…
Coverage for Golf Carts in Gated Communities
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of February 2025. Question I am sending you an insurance question below. I have run it by my underwriter, but no one seems confident about a response. Would you please share your thoughts with me on this? “We are spending a…
The Changing Landscape of Rental Car Reimbursement in Auto Claims
February 24, 2025 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA As insurance carriers adjust their handling of rental car reimbursement claims, Massachusetts agents encounter new challenges when assisting clients involved in auto accidents. Traditionally, claimants who were not at fault could file vehicle damage…
MAIP & Ride Share
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of February 2025. Question Could you tell me if MAIP would insure a vehicle that was being used in a peer-to-peer rental service like Turo? And if not covering for the Turo usage, would MAIP write the policy but exclude the…
Out-of-State Accident
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of February 2025. Question I have an Insured whose daughter was involved in an accident in Rhode Island last year. They went to court for it, and the Insured stated that the case was dismissed and they have some paperwork regarding…
Death of Insured
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of January 2025. Question I need your help clarifying some issues that have come up with customers who have passed away. Is there a time limit on how long it takes a spouse to reregister a vehicle in their name from…
Understanding Homeowners Coverage for Fuel Oil Spills
January 27, 2025 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA The Act Preventing Oil Spill Pollution” commonly referred to as the 2010 Homeowner Oil Heating System Upgrade and Insurance Law (Chapter 453 of the Acts of 2008), was enacted to address environmental and financial…
Flood: First Floor Height
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of October 2024. Question Did FEMA change the rules to determine the number of floors? In the past, if the house had a basement, the basement was considered the 1st floor. We called the insurance company because it seemed the number…
2024 Q3 Quarterly P&C Marketplace Summary
You are being provided this 2024 Q3 Quarterly P&C Marketplace Summary covering the Massachusetts Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance Marketplace as a benefit of your membership with the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA). This report provides up-to-date property and casualty (P&C) data, offering you a “real-time” view of trends in the Massachusetts insurance marketplace.…
Lightning Struck a Tree
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of October 2024. Question Laura, I’m just a little confused. I mostly do auto insurance. I want to make sure that I understand this. I know this is a lightning issue, but what about wind? I guess it’s a big question:…
Named Non-Owner Policy
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of October 2024. Question I have a customer looking to have a person who borrows his car to have their own liability policy. The person doesn’t own a car or a home or apartment (or I would try and obtain an…
Compulsory Auto Limits Increase Bill Becomes Law!
December 24, 2024 I’m writing with exciting news from the Massachusetts State House. Governor Maura Healey signed into law MAIA’s priority legislation for the 2023-2024 legislative session: H. 5111 – An Act relative to motor vehicle insurance. This legislation will increase compulsory bodily injury limits in Massachusetts for the first time in nearly 40 years…
What Is A WISP? And Why Does It Impact An Agency & Their Insureds?
December 16, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA The adoption of a WISP is not only a regulatory requirement but also a best practice for safeguarding sensitive information in today’s digital landscape. For insurance agencies, it reinforces their commitment to protecting client…
Titling & Sales Tax
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of November 2024. Question I’ve been googling and checking out MAIA for the answer to how long someone has to request a title and/or pay sales tax on a purchased vehicle. I believe the 10 days for both is the best…
2024 November Other Liability (Occurrence) P&C Insurer List
You are being provided this 2024 November Other Liability (Occurrence) P&C Insurer List as a benefit of your membership with the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA). MAIA is providing you with this list to give you speedy access to information on the Other Liability (Occurrence) marketplace in Massachusetts. Don’t forget that you also have the…
Minor Rules & Regulations
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of November 2024. Question We have an insured who has a child who is 17 years of age, already graduated high school, and is working every day part-time. The child’s license is now being suspended for going 10 miles over the…
2024 November Workers’ Compensation P&C Insurer List
You are being provided this 2024 November Workers’ Compensation P&C Insurer List as a benefit of your membership with the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA). MAIA is providing you with this list to give you speedy access to information on the Workers’ Compensation marketplace in Massachusetts. Don’t forget that you also have the general…
Cancellation and/or Non-Renewal of HO, DP, MAP and BAP in Massachusetts
November 18, 2024 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Consultant, Technical Affairs, MAIA Massachusetts has laws regarding the legal/proper way of non-renewing or canceling voluntary homeowners, dwelling fire, personal auto, and commercial auto. These laws have not changed since the beginning of my insurance career in September 1975.…
2024 November Commercial Auto P&C Insurer List
You are being provided this 2024 November Commercial Auto P&C Insurer List as a benefit of your membership with the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA). The reason MAIA is providing you with this list is it lets you have speedy access to information on the Commercial Auto Insurance marketplace in Massachusetts. Do not forget…
Odometer Reading
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of November 2024. Question We have a registration for an antique vehicle out of Maine. Our customer bought it. He dropped a brand-new engine in it. He would like us to register/title the car in MA with “0” as the odometer…
HO-6 Policy
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of October 2024. Question I was wondering if you could clarify something for me. I have a client who is purchasing a condo policy, and I am putting together the HO6. It was an older three-family converted ted to condos, and…
The Evolution of Cyber Insurance
October 29, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA The earliest computer viruses date back over 40 years. Insurers developed cyber clauses to be added to existing policies because the precise wording in existing policies was often not developed with modern online threats…
HO6 Condo Coverage A
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question My client inherited a condo in Maine from their parents. When the parents lived there, they added a screened-in porch off the back of the unit. My client is saying the parents were allowed to add the…
Coverage for Tree Struck by Lightning & Debris Removal
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question Lightning struck a tree. I know a home policy covers the tree itself for $500, but is there full coverage to remove the dead tree? Answer Laura Poulin: With respect to the ISO HO forms, the limit…
2024 Q2 Quarterly P&C Marketplace Summary
You are being provided this 2024 Q2 Quarterly P&C Marketplace Summary covering the Massachusetts Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance Marketplace as a benefit of your membership with the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA). This report provides up-to-date property and casualty (P&C) data, offering you a “real-time” view of trends in the Massachusetts insurance marketplace.…
Paying Commission To An Employee With An Expired License
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question One of our employees had their producer license expire because they did not achieve the required continuing education credits. In MA, you may reinstate your license within 12 months of the missed renewal deadline for a late…
Motorized Wheel Chair
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question Good Afternoon. I have an insured who recently got a chair to assist his wife with mobility through Medicare. He is with his Insurance on an HO3 form. He is concerned if there is any coverage under…
2024 Massachusetts Storm Events Summary
As a benefit of your membership in the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents, you are receiving this 2024 Massachusetts Storm Events Summary. The core component of tracking weather is what is known as a “Storm Event.” This 2024 Massachusetts Storm Events Summary focuses on 56 types of Storm Events, as defined by the National Center…
Just What Is Surface Water?
September 25, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA Though there are many contributing factors to flooding, rainfall is certainly a primary factor. When rain falls, some is captured by soil and vegetation, and the remainder flows onward. Many are aware of flooding…
2024 September Commercial Multi-Peril P&C Insurer List
You are being provided this 2024 September Commercial Multi-Peril P&C Insurer List as a benefit of your membership with the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA). The reason MAIA is providing you with this list is it lets you have speedy access to information on the Commercial Multi-Peril Insurance marketplace in Massachusetts. Do not forget…
Diminished Value
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question I know a couple of years ago, there was a court case concerning Diminished Value and what a claimant has to do to present a claim for this. I could not find anything on the website. Do…
Oil Remediation
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question Do you have any articles on oil remediation and common endorsements regarding the Homeowners’ Policy? Or an online course? Answer Laura Poulin: The unendorsed ISO HO0003 policy excludes losses to an insured’s property arising from pollutants unless…
Funeral Expensed Under the Auto Policy
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question Unfortunately, we have an insured who passed away in a car accident. Obviously, we know that PIP will pay for funeral expenses. He also has $5,000 in Medical Payments. When you read the coverage section, it sounds…
Lienholder Code List
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of August 2024. Question I know you sent me a list of electronic title states. Now I can’t find it! Would you please resend it or let me know how I can find it? Answer Kathy Cormier: Here is a link…
2024 MAIA Annual Meeting Announcement
NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE AGENTS OF THE 2024 ANNUAL MEETING. In accordance with Article XI, Section 1, of the bylaws, notice is hereby given to the members of the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents, Inc., that the Annual Meeting of the Association will be held on Friday, September 27th…
Revised MAIP Eligibility…the Good, the Bad and…You Know!
August 19, 2024 Written By: Irene Morrill, CPCU, CIC, ARM, CRM, CRIS, MLIS, LIA, CPIW – Consultant, Technical Affairs, MAIA Just when you think you know what you’re talking about, someone changes something, and then you’re back to “say what?” What vehicles are eligible for MAIP? Autos eligible for MAP In May of this year,…
Golf Cart for Street Use
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of June 2024. Question Do you happen to know of a carrier that will write a golf cart for street use in MA? I called the carrier and they will do it if they are writing another vehicle. I am trying…
Legislative Update Re: Compulsory Limits
MAIA’s priority this session has been on legislation that would increase compulsory limits from 20/40/5. Special thanks to MAIA members for reaching out to their legislators to express their support for this measure. These provisions would provide a long-overdue update to the state’s compulsory bodily injury insurance and property damage limits. As healthcare costs have soared…
Age of RTA
*This question was answered based on current rules, regulations, and statutes in effect as of June 2024. Question I hope all is well! Is there a hard and fast rule about how old the stamped RTA form can be before the RMV rejects it? I assumed one month, but can you confirm that? Thanks for…
More Lender/Servicer Problems – When Will It End!
July 29, 2024 Written By: Laura J. Poulin, AILP, AINS, AAM, CPIW, CRIS, MLIS, Director of Curriculum and Technical Affairs, MAIA Well, they are at it again! We are seeing an uptick in Lender/Servicer issues affecting Insureds. Whether the loan owner or a separate mortgage servicer manages your Insured’s loan, they may be susceptible to…