Young Agents Committee Invitational Golf Tournament
Join the us for the most anticipated industry golf event of the year.
Singles, Doubles and Foursomes are welcome to register. You do not need to be a Young Agent to play.
When: Wednesday, June 15, 2022
9:00 am Registration, 10:00 am shotgun start
Where: Pinehills Golf Club, Plymouth, MA
Registration includes: Golf & cart, prizes, 2 drink tickets, boxed lunch, coolers with refreshments, cocktail hour, & buffet dinner.
Other Details: Raffle prizes and other contests available onsite. Funds raised benefit the Philip J Farrell Memorial Scholarship Fund, Make-a-Wish MA/RI and other committee initiatives.
Contact Jamie Leslie to inquire about any remaining spots!
Thank You Sponsors for helping us make this event shine!

YAC Liaison
Jamie Leslie
[email protected]
Online Payments:
Step 1: You will reserve your spots and pay for your golfers.
Step 2: A separate link will be sent for you to enter the names of your golfers. Please enter as many golfer names as possible. We will follow up for any remaining names closer to the tournament.