Your Healthcare Options Deserve a Checkup!

We heard our members loud and clear: healthcare costs are a challenge!

We researched many alternatives from different vendors – through various meetings and demonstrations, we found a solution that provided the most beneficial healthcare options for our staff, along with SAVINGS for them AND for MAIA!

Our Solution: Adopt an ICHRA Program!

View MAIA's ICHRA webinar:


Ann Tobin
VP, Agency Services
(508) 634-7366

MAIA's Secure Submission Portal🔒


ICHRA is an acronym for Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements. This is a group health plan based on a pre-determined monthly employer contribution that employees may use towards the purchase of qualified individual health insurance coverage.

ICHRA FAQ for Employers

ICHRA Informational Flyer - Your Healthcare Options Deserve a Checkup!

View MAIA's ICHRA webinar at the top of this page to learn more!

MAIA's Secure Submission Portal

  1. Download and complete Your Agency's Healthcare Census MANDATORY FORM MUST BE COMPLETE.
  2. Upload these three items:
    2. Your current health plan's details
    3. Your agency's contribution plan/amounts

Via our Secure Portal for Analysis & Census Submission🔒

Must be submitted 120 days prior to your current health plan's renewal date. 

If your renewal date is further out, please email Ann Tobin your renewal date as a reminder so you don't miss out on this potential savings opportunity.