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Green Plate

Green Plate QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

2 Q’s on Trailers

2 Q’s on Trailers QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

Change Address Leased Vehicle

Change Address Leased Vehicle QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

Purple Heart Registration

Purple Heart Registration QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

Surviving Spouse Transfers

Surviving Spouse Transfers QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 24, 2019

New Auto Policy/Suspended License

New Auto Policy/Suspended License QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 23, 2019 Quick Question: If someone has a suspended license can they register and insure a vehicle? I know that for insurance they would have to list a licensed driver but would the registry accept…

Umbrella Quoting with MVR Information

Umbrella Quoting with MVR Information QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 22, 2019 I know this is an issue we have gone over a few times with you. In regards to quoting an umbrella we know we cannot provide MVR printouts. To obtain the quote…

Bus Conversion to Camper

Bus Conversion to Camper QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on May 16, 2019 I cannot find the requirements needed to register a bus into a camper. I have had no luck finding that information.

What Type of Plate

What Type of Plate QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on May 22, 2019 Good morning, If my insured puts a sign on her car will she need  a commercial plate.   I think yes but  some of us think no since it is not on all the…

What is the Correct Plate Type

What is the Correct Plate Type QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on May 09, 2019 If someone uses a vehicle in their business and they put signs on the vehicle do they need to get commercial plates?   I currently have it listed as class 30 on…

Registration for 26,000 lb Truck and Permits

Registration for 26,000 lb Truck and Permits QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on May 13, 2019 If we have a vehicle with a GVW of 26,000 lbs. and travels in more that one state can we register Commercial without having to get trip permits when it…

Summer/Winter Swap

Summer/Winter Swap QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on May 13, 2019 Not sure if you can help me or someone else ? I tried finding this in the Registry but couldn’t find out the answer on What situations would you use the Summer/Winter swap box on…

Umbrella Quotes and MVRs

Umbrella Quotes and MVRs QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 22, 2019 I know this is an issue we (at least EIG) has gone over a few times with you. In regards to quoting an umbrella we know we cannot provide MVR printouts. To obtain…

Personal Truck with Company Signage

Personal Truck with Company Signage QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 25, 2019 Question: one of our insureds registered there truck in their personal name and wants to put their Company Name LLC on the truck can they do that?  I have read all about…

Voluntary Surrender of License

Voluntary Surrender of License QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 08, 2019 I have a client who no longer drives and is just going to let his license expire. I think he should turn it in and get a Mass ID- is there a form/procedure…

Unlicensed Operator

Unlicensed Operator QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 08, 2019 One of our insured’s daughter had a friend drive who caused at huge at fault accident. Unbeknownst to the daughter, the friend does NOT have a license. He was arrested at the scene & the…

Surviving Spouse

Surviving Spouse QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 08, 2019 I have a surviving spouse that is going to be transferring everything to his name with the surviving spouse affidavit.  We have done the RMV-1 along with surviving spouse sheet and we have the death…

Out-of-State Dealers

Out-of-State Dealers QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on April 08, 2019 I work at a CT agency and we write in MA and run into the issue where an insured is getting a vehicle from a non-drive dealership. I wanted to confirm if they e-mail or…