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Preview of New RMV Forms for ATLAS Release 2

Preview of New RMV Forms for ATLAS Release 2 The much-anticipated Release 2 of the RMV ATLAS system will take effect on November 12, 2019.  As you may recall, ATLAS Release 1 rolled out in March 2018 and included all the license services. ATLAS Release 2 will be bringing over all the registrations, titles, owner…

Updated Company Auto Insurance Filings – September 2019

Updated Company Auto Insurance Filings – September 2019

Is this Surchargeable

Is this Surchargeable QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

Green Plate

Green Plate QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

2 Q’s on Trailers

2 Q’s on Trailers QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

Change Address Leased Vehicle

Change Address Leased Vehicle QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019

Discounts on State-Mandated Employee Background Checks

Discounts on State-Mandated Employee Background Checks MA agencies are required to keep criminal background checks on file for all personnel (current or new) who access motor vehicle records. With the goings-on at the MA Registry, including the release of ATLAS II in November, it’s a good time to make sure you have all your ducks…

Purple Heart Registration

Purple Heart Registration QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 26, 2019


MAP or BAP QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 24, 2019

Surviving Spouse Transfers

Surviving Spouse Transfers QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 24, 2019

Non-Payment and Collection of Unearned Premium

Non-Payment and Collection of Unearned Premium QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 24, 2019

Progressive 2As – again

Progressive 2As – again QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 25, 2019

Cassandra Koegel Joins MAIA as Membership Engagement Director

Cassandra Koegel Joins MAIA as Membership Engagement Director We are proud to introduce MAIA’s new Membership Engagement Director, Cassandra Koegel, CISR, AINS. Cassandra spent the last five years at Arbella and is licensed in P&C. She has been active in MAIA’s Young Agents Committee for the past two years and has established a solid knowledge…

3rd. Party Rental

3rd. Party Rental QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on June 10, 2019

Deferred Operator Issue

Deferred Operator Issue QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on June 11, 2019

Public Autos – Rating Territory

Public Autos – Rating Territory QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on June 11, 2019

Important Updates to our Hospitality Program at Number One

Important Updates to our Hospitality Program at Number One Meet Lori Kane! Lori is Number One Insurance Agency’s newest program manager, serving our brokers with Hospitality clients. You can reach Lori directly at [email protected] or (508) 634-7361.  

Replacement of Required Vehicle Decals

Replacement of Required Vehicle Decals QUESTION This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on June 12, 2019