Cyber Insurance for Insurance Agents
The product no business should be without!
These risks are increasing and claim activity is high!
Don’t let your agency fall victim to an uncovered claim.
We have access to over 20 different carriers to help find the solutions you need.
Cyber Protection
We can help your agency be proactive and ready, via a stand-alone and/or E&O policy endorsement. The coverage we provide supports clients with risk management support and consultative services. Let us help you review your options to meet your needs.
Utica Cyber Endorsement options with your E&O Policy:
Utica P&C E&O - Cybersurance Application
Utica Life & Health Agent E&O - Cybersuite Questionnaire
Stand-alone Cyber Application
Due to multiple carriers, we supply one application to provide multiple quotes, based on the insured’s risks assessment and coverage needs.
Renewal procedures vary based on carrier, risk, and experience. We will reach out with renewal instructions, three months prior to the policy’s expiration.
Policy Changes
Submit inquiries to Donna Goncalves at [email protected] or call her at (508) 634-7362.
Please refer to the policy documentation for instructions on reporting claims.