Make sure your customers have your contact information when they need it!
These vinyl holders are designed to fit a MA vehicle registration form (folded), along with an accident card and your business card.
Registration Holders
- Size 9.25 x 4.25 inches
- Made of 55% recycled vinyl
- Available in Red, Blue, Green, or Black
- Minimum order quantity of 500
- Can be imprinted with your agency’s branding
- Accident Cards are included in your initial order
Registration Holders Base Pricing*:
$449 member / $549 non-member
*Per each order of 500 registration holders.
*Customizations may increase the price.
Accident Cards
- Additional accident cards
- Registration holders are not included with this order
- Minimum order quantity is 250 cards
Accident Card Pricing*:
$50 member / $100 non-member
*Per each order of 250 accident cards.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Murphy (508-634-7378).
*Discounted pricing is offered for MAIA members.