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Question of the Week

Can a Bobcat be Registered

Question Can a Bobcat be Registered? This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on October 20, 2021: Can a Bobcat (very small four-wheel front loader that cleans the sidewalks of snow) be registered? Please advise! Thanks! Answer Kathy Cormier:  Here is what I received from the RMV on Bobcats: In…

Commercial Use Trailers

Question Commercial Use Trailers This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on October 19, 2021: I’m hoping you can enlighten me when it comes to trailer registrations and insurance. I know I can stamp an RTA on a trailer that’s covered under the liability portion owner’s primary auto policy…

Commercial Vanity Plates

Commercial Vanity Plates This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on October 18, 2021: I have a commercial client that is looking to order vanity plates for his fleet of vehicles.  Is there not a commercial portal like there is a Personal where you can order the plates? Answer Kathy…

Renting a Motorcycle and Coverage

Question Renting a Motorcycle and Coverage This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on October 13, 2021: Can you shed some light on renting a motorcycle for someone who has a personal auto policy and wants to be able to rent one? He has a personal auto policy with only…

Will There be Coverage with no Vehicle on Policy and Renting

Question Will There be Coverage with no Vehicle on Policy and Renting? This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on October 6, 2021: Background- this insured purchased a Ford 150 to tow his new Airstream Camper home.   But he found out the Ford F150 is not enough to tow this…


Question Tractors This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 14, 2021 I have a client with a John Deere tractor to mow grass and plow snow.  It is about the size of a pickup truck.  Last year while helping a neighbor with snow at end of driveway a…

Auto Binders

Question Auto Binders This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on June 29, 2021 In regard to issuing binders, we have received conflicting advice/directives from different sources (including our companies), so I would appreciate your feedback.  According to the MAP, it appears that after we stamp an RTA for a…


Question Seizure This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 03, 2021 I had a customer call in regards to his son having a recommendation from his doctor to not drive for 6 months due to a seizure he had a couple of months ago.  The son has been…

Uber Eats

Question Uber Eats This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 21, 2021 I’m getting shut down by all of our voluntary carriers in regards to writing a client who will be delivering for Uber Eats 10 to 20 hours a week.  Do you have any carrier you know…

Trailer Titles 2

Question Trailer Titles This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 07, 2021 We had a client that had a trailer that weighed 2950. Back in 2017 when she registered it the personal lines CSR typed in 3000 for weight. Now she is trying to sell it and the…

Company Signage on an Employee’s Truck

Question Company Signage on an Employee’s Truck This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 13, 2021 Have a client who wants to put his company info on a employee’s truck, is that remotely possible? Answer Kathy Cormier:  Are you talking signage? An employee can have signage from the business…

3rd. Party Claim

3rd. Party Claims This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 13, 2021 Back in the mists of time, I seem to remember that if an insured is going 3rd party against an auto carrier, and if their insureds do not respond within a certain amount of time to inquires,…

How to Insure a Trailer with No Auto

Question How to Insure a Trailer with no Auto This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 13, 2021 We have an unusual situation I have a question how we would cover.  We have an insured who has a “trailer” called the Candy Shack.  We had this insured on…

Adding A New Driver

Question Adding A New Driver This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 15, 2021 I am reaching out with hopefully an easy question; though there is nothing cut and dry easy in insurance is there?!?! What is the timeframe to add a new driver to an auto policy?…

OEM vs Aftermarket

Question OEM vs Aftermarket This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 22, 2021 Not sure if you would know this answer but lately, we have been having a lot of customers questioning why they are getting after markets windshields instead of an OEM windshield when getting a windshield…

MA Registration for OOS Resident

Question MA Registration for OOS Resident This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 22, 2021 How would you advise a client who has their car registered in MA but currently living out of state with the specific intent returning early next year? The insured does not want to…

Deferred Operator

Question Deferred Operator This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on September 23, 2021 I need your assistance if I may.  I have a client who is separated from his wife.  He is insured with me under a Progressive policy.  His ex-wife is with Liberty Mutual.  They have a son…

Personal Lines or Commercial Lines and Coverage

Question Personal Lines or Commercial Lines Policy and Coverage This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on August 26, 2021 We have a potential insured who currently is a landscaper.  He has a truck and three trailers on a personal auto policy with physical damage coverage and the truck is…