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Principle Place of Business

Question Principle Place of Business: This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on January, 2021: I have a question on a Maine registered vehicle. I have a commercial insured (Massachusetts business) that has reregistered one of his commercial trucks in Maine that was previously registered in Massachusetts. My Massachusetts auto carrier…

2022 Q3 P&C Marketplace Summary

You are being provided this Massachusetts 2022 Quarterly P-C Premium Summary – Q3 as a benefit of your membership in the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents.  Quarterly premium data reveals trends to give you, as members, a more “real time” sense of market conditions. Below are the highlights from the most recent quarterly data, as…

Adding and Removing Vehicles

Question Adding/Removing Vehicle This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on December 6, 2021: Agent:  Quick question – this is the first time in almost a decade I ran into this situation so I’m trying to figure this out.  We have a composite rated policy with Symbol 1 – at renewal…

Commercial Auto with Out of State Garaging

Question Commercial Auto with Out of State Garaging: This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect August, 2022: I feel like I know the answer to this but hoping to confirm with you. We have a client in commercial lines that has a commercial auto policy and purchasing a new vehicle…

Can a Bobcat be Registered?

Question Can a Bobcat be registered?  This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on October 20, 2021: Can a Bobcat (very small four-wheel front loader that cleans the sidewalks of snow) be registered? Please advise! Thanks! Answer Kathy Cormier:  In the opinion of the Massachusetts RMV, a Bobcat (Skid Steer) is…

License Suspension Hearing

Question License Suspension Hearing:  This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July, 2022: I have a customer that had their license suspended but has now cleared up all the issues for the suspension. What is the easiest way to get a hearing? Do you think walking into the Milford…

Can you have a Motorcycle Policy without a Motorcycle permit-license?

Question Can you have a Motorcycle Policy without a Motorcycle permit/license?  This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July, 2022: I’ve checked with everyone that I work with and no one seems to know the answer to this.  We have an insured who is trying to register and insure…

Adding Additional Insurance to HO Policy

Question Adding Additional Insurance to HO Policy: This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect August, 2022: I have an insured that is going to install a generator for their house in Scituate, and the only place to put it is next to their neighbor’s generator on their neighbor’s property.  The neighbors is…

New RMV Service Center Services Handout

New RMV Service Center Services Handout A new handout called RMV Service Center Services (document LIC118) has been created. This handout contains information on which RMV transactions require an appointment, which can be processed in an RMV Service Center without an appointment, and which cannot be processed in RMV Service Centers. View the handout HERE. Please…

Moped Expiration Decal Change

Moped Expiration Decal Change Moped registrations/plates are valid for two years and expire on the last day of March. Currently, moped expiration decals are issued with the format MONTH YEAR (example: MAR 23, MAR 24). Beginning with moped registrations/plates expiring in March 2025, we are switching to the standard expiration decals that are used for…

New RMV Service Center Services Handout

New RMV Service Center Services Handout A new handout called RMV Service Center Services (document LIC118) has been created. This handout contains information on which RMV transactions require an appointment, which can be processed in an RMV Service Center without an appointment, and which cannot be processed in RMV Service Centers. View the handout HERE. Please…

Moped Expiration Decal Change

Moped Expiration Decal Change Moped registrations/plates are valid for two years and expire on the last day of March. Currently, moped expiration decals are issued with the format MONTH YEAR (example: MAR 23, MAR 24). Beginning with moped registrations/plates expiring in March 2025, we are switching to the standard expiration decals that are used for…

Full Term Credentials for Asylees and Refugees

Full Term Credentials for Asylees and Refugees Customers whose SAVE check returns a status of Asylee or Refugee are considered to have permanent lawful presence and will be eligible for full-term (5-year) credentials (all classes) beginning October 13, 2022.  Previously, these customers received a one-year card. A change has been made to ATLAS to allow…

Full Term Credentials for Asylees and Refugees

Full Term Credentials for Asylees and Refugees Customers whose SAVE check returns a status of Asylee or Refugee are considered to have permanent lawful presence and will be eligible for full-term (5-year) credentials (all classes) beginning October 13, 2022.  Previously, these customers received a one-year card. A change has been made to ATLAS to allow…

Rental Vehicle

Question Rental Vehicle:  This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July, 2022: My insured is going to rent a vehicle from dealer while his pickup is in for repair. It may take a while because they have to order parts. He is going to borrow his sister-in-law’s truck to…

Public or Livery

Question Public or Livery:  This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on May, 2022: Question:  I have a client who works as a therapeutic mentor and drives clients with special needs as part of her job function. She drives them to locations in the community for support for social skills…

Commercial Auto Ceded Carrier Quote

Question This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on June, 2022: Commercial Auto Ceded Carrier Quote: Good afternoon.  I understand a ceded carrier needs to have signed & completed Acord forms and all the supplemental forms to bind a ceded quote.  But do they need to be completed and…

RMV ‘Get Ready” Service Streamlines Registration & Title Transactions

RMV ‘Get Ready” Service Streamlines Registration & Title Transactions The RMV is offering a ‘Get Ready’ web service that allows users to start registration and title transactions online.  Get Ready cuts down on the data entry process, significantly reduces the time at the registry and eliminates inconvenient, frustrating clerk rejections. The service sends the Agent-entered…