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RMV Pilots a Drop Off Center Escalation Process

Effective September 8th, the Haverhill and Wilmington Registration Drop Off Centers will pilot a new escalation process for work that was previously submitted, was not completed, and was issued an Application Status Letter. This will streamline the process for runners and agents and ensure returned work is completed in a timely fashion. There will be…

New 7D Registration Requirements in Effect

New requirements have taken effect for school pupil transport (7D) vehicles. These include changes to the vehicle requirements and the registration process. 

RMV Gender Designation Change Policy

Applicants requesting a change of gender designation DO NOT need ANY supporting documents. These applicants must be treated with the same respect and courtesy to which any RMV applicant for any transaction is entitled.

MAP Forms

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 15, 2020 QUESTION We are adding forms to a new system. Among them are three forms that have not received requests for. They are MPY-0028-S 01 89 Other Optional Insurance –Fire, Lightening and Transportation MPY-0029-S 01 89 Other Optional Insurance…

Personal Trailer/Insurance

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 16, 2020 QUESTION We write a commercial account and a personal lines auto twist question has come up and I’d like to run it by you for some help.  I’m not deeply versed in personal lines so reaching out to…

COI Question

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 19, 2020 QUESTION We had a contractor do some work for us. I neglected to request a COI prior to the job. (I know I know ). There was no issue. Happy with the work. I just want a COI…

Live Classes Return to Milford – Starting Next Week!

Strict safety protocols are in place, our building is sanitized and rearranged for plenty of personal space, and our instructors are ready to inform and enlighten you… in person! MAIA’s gone above and beyond to keep us all as safe as possible as we ease back into live learning. If you’ve been missing the classroom…

Thinking of Hiring a New Producer? Watch This Video

Navigating the cost of hiring a new producer is no small feat. Whether the person will be on the road or in the office selling insurance, the upfront costs of that new hire can cause a strain on your agency’s cash flow. In this video, InsurBanc’s Patricia Smith explains how an Agency Producer Development Loan…

No Member Plus Profile? No Recommendations for You!

Motorcycle Question

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 21, 2020 QUESTION This question came up and I was wondering what your thoughts were. Where the companies are charging different rates for motorcycles and there are different date first licensed on bikes…etc If my customer only had a auto…


This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 21, 2020 QUESTION Got a Carvana question for you. Our insured is buying a vehicle from Carvana and getting new plates. They are telling our agency that section K5 on the RTA (Policy Change Date) must be completed. We are…

RMV Error: Titles Printed Twice

MA RMV customers or business partners who were mailed a Certificate of Title printed on 7/21/2020 received two titles with the same information and title number. The Registry is sending a letter to the 748 affected customers, instructing them to destroy one of the copies of the title. The letter is being mailed to the…

Ceded MA Auto – Waiver of Subrogation

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 22, 2020 QUESTION We continue to run into an issue where our ceded auto carrier will not provide a waiver of subrogation.  Do you know if ceded carriers can refuse to add this endorsement in MA?  Any alternative suggestions for…

Travel Trailer

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 24, 2020 QUESTION I have a client that works for a business and is allowed to use one of the business vehicles for her own personal use.   This client just purchased a 20’ travel trailer but needs an insurance stamp…

Dealer Plate

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 28, 2020 QUESTION I just picked up a high net worth client.  As I was doing my review the client mentioned that he has almost 50 high end and exotic cars.  They are titled to him, but not registered or…

New Consumer Ads Launch 9/1 on Facebook, Instagram & YouTube!


Watch Your Website Language! It Could Lead to an E&O Claim (YES, REALLY!)

Warning: The language you use on your website might be used against you in an E&O claim!  We have to admit, we at MAIA’s Number One Agency didn’t take this all that seriously, even when we shared the article below in The Mass Agent’s May 5th edition. But we’ve had a couple of recent wakeup…

RV for Commercial Use

This question was answered based upon current rules, regulations & statutes in effect on July 29, 2020 QUESTION We have a commercial real estate client that is buying an RV to use for the real estate business. They are going to set it up as a mobile office, so the RV will be wrapped advertising…